I was wondering if anyone has a photograph of this particular C-119F as I was
lucky enough to catch a ride in it a few years back. I'm in the busiiness of moving aircraft spares round the world for various airlines, AOG, IOR situations,
or for repair etc.
This aeroplane was flying from the USA to the Sudan back in July 1987 to go on relief work. On the way over England the crew had problems with their radios and after some communications problems with London ATC, managed to
get down at Heathrow. They contacted BA to see if they could assist but they could not help as they did not use Bendix King radios. They decided to look in yellow pages and saw our company name and decided to give us a bell. We don't actually do repairs ourselves but knew a company round the corner from us that repaired these radios. Anyway the the aircraft was parked outside BA Cargo LHR for about 3 days whilst repairs were carried out.
Talking with the crew who were both Vietnam Vets, they advised that I could fly down to the Sudan with them. Much as I love real aeroplanes i.e. those with propellers the Sudan wasn't particularly appealing. They were however flying to Gatwick first as they needed AVGAS. Since the Karair swing tail 6 stopped flying into LHR this was not available. LHR to LGW seemed an ideal trip and after getting airside with no difficulty, off we went. Spare engine in the back and a leaky astrodome,. What a splendid racket.
Whe we got to LGW, they dropped me at the international arrivals. I'm there in T Shirt and Jeans, hair down my back, no passport, nothing, queueing behind all these bods with suitcases just back from Majorca or Benidorm. It took about an hour and a half to get through immigration and customs. Fortunately the latex gloves didn't make an appearance. Sixty quid for a taxi back to LHR and I was back at work. Worth every penny.
This aircraft was subsequently used with a number of others in the remake of Flight of the Phoenix.
Great site. Ken, your a top bloke.
All the best