CKennedy92 Is anyone else noticing that the site is very slow at times today (Saturday 5/16)? Chris Kennedy
L-5jockey Very slow, response to search requests and page loads all Day Saturday. Felt like, old times, on a 56K Dial-up with blazing hot 486DX machine! Much faster this morning, but it's early, on the right-coast (East of PHL).
ChrisHall for a few days I have not been able to get onto the site I kept getting an error message that the page was not available cheers Chris
L-5jockey Site was down, see admins message: John
Ken Wang The site was down on May 14th, roughly from noon, until May 15th morning. During the down time, our servers are moved to a different location with same hosting provider. Maybe that caused the slowdown? Is the speed back to normal now? Ken
ChrisHall Is the speed back to normal now? Hi Ken everything is now OK on this side of the pond. being without Airport-Data for a few days is like losing your right arm
Ken Wang Thanks for reporting back Chris. I will keep an eye on it. Thank you and all other contributors who made this site useful. Ken