LynnMilton Data for SMO looks funny for runway elevation. Am I reading something wrong? Main entry says 177 ft. Runway data says 03=118 ft and 21=177 ft. Does the runway slope that much??? or do I not know how to read data?
DougRobertson Runway 3 is listed as having a 1.2% up slope. 1.2% of runway length is 59.6 feet. Light Aircraft pattern altitude is 1,377 MSL for light aircraft. No pattern altitude-difference stated for the single 3-21 runway ends.
THoff The data is correct. Take a look at the wall of the building in the background to get an idea of how severe the slope is -- the dark strip in the foreground is the taxiway:
LynnMilton From the data calculation and the photo i see the data is correct. When you are standing there it seems more or less level. 60 feet drop makes it come out exactly right. Thanks to both. Torsten, er du danskar?