Technically the profiles are correct. :
F-WWDT is used as the flight test registration by Airbus Industries on quite a lot of the A.320 aircraft, fresh off the assembly line, before assignment of customers registry.
The following A.320 have used this registration:
msn (c/n) 024 042 089 152 208 248 303 375 438 490 577 789 908 911 1183
1320 1480 1635 1787 1911 2031 2138 2280 2417 2594 2760 2908 3052 3180
3291 3431 3524 3658 3773 3944 4110 4323. Not sure if c/n 3893 used this test mark.
Only the BOLD c/ns listed above, are currently in the DB.
Hope this help explain...