Paul is not totally off base with his first post.....
On one hand the photo IS from a TSA video about GA airport safety....on the other hand the "poster" seems to be a viral thing from the Gizmoto web site.
Here is the TSA the video and be mad, along with me, because of their portrayal of the hooded creepy photog..grrr. : It's about halfway through the video.
Discussion n FC about this "ad",21380.0.html
It looks like this rabble-rouser is the one that started the poster thing..
He has many many valid points but he is a jerk that gets his jollies mocking the cop on the street that is just trying to do a job.
Gee did we come to this point?
Nine years the "we are not going to let the terrorist change us" statement even close to valid?
Be careful out there with your evil Camera!
(respected huh? hehe...thanks Paul! Right back at ya! :) )