Classic Aircraft Corp. in Michigan is the only current manufacturer of certificated production biplanes in America. They build the Waco YMF-5C and the newer Waco YMF-5D Super higher horsepower model widely shown at AOPA AVIATION SUMMIT 2010. These are updated higher horsepower models of the original Waco UMF model biplane of 1934. I photographed the new -5D Super N369AS at SZP stopover just before the AOPA meeting in Long Beach this past November.
Just announced is Classic's intent to bring back into production the certificated smaller, fully aerobatic Great Lakes 2T-1A-1 Touring model biplane with Lycoming IO-360-B1F6 of 180 horsepower and the 2T-1A-2 Sport model biplane with Lycoming AEIO-360-B1F6 of 180 Hp with full-inverted systems. Both models are upgraded with aluminum instead of wood wing spars, better brakes and updated avionics.