stantonite There is an unprofiled photo of N604SP in the Database Any offers on type , cannot find a lead on the internet Terry Fletcher
Bluedharma More info: Adams Aircraft...;1045/Adam-Aircraft-Industries-Inc;11937;1.html This is an Adam-Aircraft.
DougRobertson Terry, Also see JANES All The World's Aircraft 2006-2007. P. 602-605 for story, specs, cutaway view and in-flight photos. Paul's photo is of an Adam A500; there is also an Adam A700 larger design. N700AJ was the prototype after repainting and fitting of ventral fuel tank. Doug Robertson
Bluedharma Wow Doug! I forgot about N700AJ. That was very pretty too! I wish they still made these... I think they suspended operations Feb 11, 2008. Too bad... Here is a A700 I think... I miss seeing these guys fly at KAPA...
DougRobertson Yes Paul, They both are A700s. Difference is: the Adam A500 has two centerline thrust turboprops, Continental TSIO-550-Es with optional FADEC, 350 Hp each (in nose and aft fuselage). The A500 Business Twin-Prop front prop is a three-blade scimitar Hartzell FC7663D-2R and the rear prop is a three blade (non-scimitar) Hartzell FLC7663DF-2RX. The A700 ADAMJET has two Williams International FJ33-4A turbofans of 1,200 lb st each. See the turbofan inlet above the wing in your great photos. The turbofans are fuselage-mounted. N700AJ is the prototype A700. You have a rare shot. A shame the two companies failed despite DARPA funding. Doug Robertson