N4007G is registered in this site as a hot air balloon which may be correct if the registration was recycled. Between 6th and 7th June 1981 I ferried N4007G a MARSH Thrush S2R-T331 from Madrid Q.V via Poitiers, Southend, Norwich, Shipdam to Flixton airstrip Suffolk for Mindacre Ltd (Roy Slarke) a local Crop Spraying company.
The aircraft was then Test flown in UK by UK CAA Test pilot Darryl Stinton. A number of hours were also flown by Paddy McKay before the aircraft received its UK Type Certificate issuance. I believe the Type Certificate was issued sometime in July 1981 at Shipdam Norfolk and the registration G-BJAB was assigned. I then flew the acceptance flight for Mindacre at Shipdam on 31st July 1981. I did a little more flying in the aircraft before finally ferrying the G-BJAB ex N4007G to Eelde in Holland on 18th September 1981.
Paddy McKay