I am requesting permission of the copyright holder of two pictures I would like to post on my Abken Airport blog http://abkenairport.blogspot.com/ .
The first is a picture of BT-13 number N40019 inside a hangar. It is copyrighted by Daniel L. Barek.
The second is a picture of Navion number N4223K in flight copyright by Helicopterfriend.
The Abken Airport blog is non-commercial and for informational purposes only. The reason for my request is that the Navion was previously owned by my father, Warner Kenyon, of Ashland Kentucky and the BT-13 was owned by Harry Barr of Ironton, Ohio. Since both these aircraft were based at Abken Airport, it would be useful to the visitors to my blog to see these recent pictures.
Many thanks!
Ronald Kenyon