In addition to the above airports, here are details of Bacchus Marsh (YBSS), A record for this airport exists on A-D, but has no details. The airport is a major gliding centre, so weekend traffic is high, and go-arounds are common. I have added some airport photos in addition to more than a dozen aircraft photos at the airport.
General information for Bacchus Marsh Airport
Airport codes: YBSS
Type: local airport(light traffic)
Scheduled airline service: no
Latitude: -37.733333 | 37 44.000000 S | S37 43 59
Longitude: 144.421667 | 144 25.300000 E | E144 25 18
Field elevation: 520 ft/158 m MSL
Radio communication frequencies for Bacchus Marsh Airport
CTAF: 118.8 MHz
FIA: 135.7 MHz (Melbourne Radar)
MISC: 116.1 MHz
MISC: 119.6 MHz
MISC: 126.8 MHz
Members can add and update frequencies.
Runways at Bacchus Marsh Airport
5,098 ft (1,554 m) — paved
5,000 ft (1,524 m) — paved