Once again, I logged on to airport-data.com and I see one amazing random photo on the home page.
Troubleshooting flyby for stuck right main gear
This photo by Jason Harris is very interesting!
Great picture Jason! ... and the NTSB report is also interesting.
The pilot said that as they raised the landing gear on takeoff, and the right main landing gear (MLG) door did not retract. He said that the checklist instructed him to cycle the landing gear; when he cycled the landing gear, the right MLG became jammed in the half down position. The pilot performed a low fly-by, and maintenance personnel on the ground photographed the bottom of the airplane. Gulfstream Aerospace engineers reviewed the photograph and advised the pilot in how to extend the landing gear. The pilot was then able to extend the landing gear. Six hours and ten minutes after takeoff, the airplane landed successfully. Post-incident examination of the right MLG revealed a black/rubber skid mark on the inside of the MLG door; the skid mark terminated at a row of 27 bolts which hold a gap seal in place. The outboard tire of the right MLG truck exhibited seven evenly spaced gouges which matched the spacing of the gap seal bolts. The MLG door uplock linkage bungee/actuator's (P/N 1159L50903-1) exterior exhibited advanced exfoliating corrosion.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this incident as follows:
The failure of the right main landing gear (MLG) door uplock linkage actuator due to corrosion, which resulted in jamming of the right MLG during the initial takeoff climb.
Exciting photo... and no one got hurt!
This random photo feature is very nice! Thanks to Airport-data.com!