N2162R When This Plane was Made New.The colors were Yellow White&Black Stripes. Where now it has red stripes.It has Traveled along way from where it was delivered New. At the Gwinnett County Airport. Lawrenceville Georgia United States of America. My father Bought this Plane in 1972. He kept it till the 1980's. He sold it to a Lawyer in Jefferson,JacksonCounty Georgia. After that we lost all track of it. Till now. The computer has helped in alot of ways. It was first Based Lawrencville,Gwinnett County Georgia. Gwinnett County Airport. Next in the middle 1970.s from 1974 to 1985. 2162R Spent time at the second Base of its Life Dekalb Peachtree Airport. Chamblee,Dekalb County Georgia.From there my Dad moved it one last time till it was sold. The Lee Gilmer Airport in Gainesville,Hall County Geoorgia.