ok say if you like to know where N706TW B757 DAL has been and you put in the reg you can see how many airports it has been in.
N706TW was in EGCC today in DAL new cols and has winglets think its ex AAL/TWA?.
andy baker
man egcc uk
Thank for the response Andy.
I think I understand what you are asking for.
And I can see the advantage to it for air-spotters.
It would also be a great help to preventing theft of aircraft.
However, there could be some issues with privacy rights?
To a limited extent you can already see some of the airports an aircraft has been at by looking at the photos.
But to provide reports on this could present a method of tracking that some may not like.
(I do not own an aircraft…)
I would not mind having photos of my aircraft taken at airports.
But I may have an issue with a time/tracking method of my aircraft.
Many business fly in and out of cities negotiating contracts. These contacts may be a private matter.
Other matters such as the sales/purchase of aircraft could be shown.
By tracking flights with photos you may be running up against similar issues that are now faced by http://flightaware.com/.
This site is a mixture of aviation enthusiasts, pilots… so forth.
I could see the method of tracking flights abused/used by private investigators… paparazzi … repo men … so forth.
I would be interested in what others think of this type of tracking.
I would love to hear a pilots point of view on this.
Glad you brought up this topic.