It has been called to my attention that a member person on this site has been reproducing and submitting photos not copyrighted by that person from this site without the photographers' permission. This action is illegal. I checked another aircraft photography site that accepted these photos for reproduction (which site then gave copyright to the absconder of the copyrighted photos), and they have now deleted those stolen photos.
My informant friend notified the other site that his photos had no permission given to the individual who used them illegally, winding up with credit for photos not taken by that individual.
I am providing a valuable link to a different photography site, the owner of which runs the Turbo Porter website, who has an excellent treatise there on copyright fraud. I highly recommend its reading to all users of this site. See and read on the Page that the link brings up.
I recently gave requested permission to the owner of the Turbo Porter website site to use one of my copyrighted photos of a Turbo Porter, and that is how I found the link to his good treatise on copyrights.