Hi Ztex,
The problem with ALL such difficulties is that the only person who has access and understands the software behind Airport-Data.com is Ken Wang and the situation I described some time ago remains, as far as I am aware, i.e. that his business interests became such that he would be unable to give as much of his time to maintain the site as was previously the case.
So unless he chooses to once again to become involved, the many faults which affect us all, and those only affecting individuals will remain unresolved.
Contrary to what has been stated some time ago, both Helicopterfriend AND myself are continuing to look after the site, i.e. comments, unacceptable uploads, incorrectly uploaded data and so on, as best we can. I'm retired, under the pandemic lockdown here in the UK and recovering from a knee replacement and check on the site a couple of times a day.
Would that I were able to help more!!