Hello, I was just wondering if anybody could give me any information on the whereabout or fate of G-NOBY
Manufacturer: Reiser Np
Model: RAND KR-2 Search all Reiser Np RAND KR-2
Year built: 0000
Construction Number (C/N): PFA 129-10894
Number of Seats: Unknown
Number of Engines: 1
My late father Norbert Peter Rieser (Nobby) was building the plane - all I know is that he moved it from London around 1993 was storing it with a friend somewhere up north. Unfortunately when my father died in 1994 the plane was never returned to us. I still have some small parts that go with the plane, a hand carved throttle leaver, headrests etc.
Would anybody have any ideas on where it might be or how I could find it?
Many thanks, Heidi Rieser.