Hello, and Happy New Year!

Does anybody else have problems uploading airport photos? I tried for many months now, but every time I get the error message that the 2 boxes need to be ticked. Both are ticked, but the yellow warning still comes up (see attached).

Any idea how to avoid this? I uploaded many airport photos before, and never had this issue. Also, aircraft photos work fine for me (so I assume it is not a browser issue).

Many thanks


13 days later

Apparently this has been a problem since 2020. I can't believe I haven't uploaded an airport picture since then because this is the first I knew about it. I just tried it myself and got the issue you are talking about. Another thread on it


5 days later

Thanks heaps, Florida Metal - I wasn't aware of the previous thread. I still love this site, but it is a shame that there is no good maintenance anymore. Hopefully Ken (or someone he appoints) can get it back running :-)



4 months later

It is possible to upload airport photos:

Upload to an aircraft, then on your member-photo-page tick "move to Airport-Section. It worked for me to-day.
