Hello all, I cannot reach my fiancé in Asheville and am in Knoxville with no roads leading anywhere close to my house (and the ones that lead close with a river blocking). All communication with everyone in my neighborhood is down along with a tree downing a live power line blocking the only entrance in. I am uncertain if they still have water. Is anyone available with a helicopter to fly out Sunday to 53 goodman road? Cargo would involve water delivery equivalent in weight of a 100 pound fiancé that would fly back with us.

There’s a grass clearing of undeveloped neighborhoods nearby that is flat. There’s also a field next to my house that may be suitable for landing. Can provide pictures if possible.

I do not have good signal. My phone number is 2567972438 and I will only be able to receive messages if your phone is an iPhone (blue iMessage).

Thanks for the consideration.

Kevin Lee