• General
  • the name on the security certificate is invalid

Hi All,

I am trying to use the API via a LuaScript to get an aircraft image based on a plane I select in a 3d demo model I've built. It has worked previously but I now get a security certificate alert pop up - see image.

I have tried proceeding and also view and install the certificate but it doesn't work and I receive an error. Is there an issue with the sitecertificate?

Thank you... something so innocuous.

When migrating a site, remember the 6 Ps.

Techdirt took over a year to plan out its migration (sadly to WordPress). That took many iterative attempts, and comparing and testing.

As a result NOBODY had to change ANYTHING and it ALL JUST WORKED.

Why do I care? I've posted links to my pics and other things on a-d... and all those links are now useless.

A respository of data that can't maintain its schema ... is a failure.

Could you provide a link example?
All old urls should be redirected automatically, especially www.airport-data.com to airport-data.com, you don't need to change anything. The issue @El-D raised is about ssl certificate, not link.