• General
  • Being able to set date and airport on upload?

Hi Ken,

Is there a function on where users can set the airport and date on the upload page so it defaults to what the photographer enters in through their profile? I would set my airport normally to KPSM since it's where I shoot most of the time.

But for those that go to air shows, to be able to change it and have the date default would be a few steps saved during each upload. I do this with my work SAP and it's very helpful. Just thought I'd ask, not a big deal.

Thanks for the suggestion.

With the new member portal, after uploading photos into workshop, if you do consective move opeartions to aircraft/airport section, airport code should be kept and populated automatically. But make it permanent sounds like a better idea.
Here we need to make a choice between "last used airport with move action" and "airport code on member's profile". I'd like to hear our members' input.

As for shot date, the workshop can read EXIF data from photo and auto-populate the field, unless for some reason the EXIF data is stripped when using image processing software. Maybe we can use "last filled date" as a backup to the above.

Hi Ken,

Thanks for listening. I know Airnav/RadarBox requires exif data for uploads and in order to keep that I "save for web". When I just export as a jpg for all my shots, it clears it out for some reason. Either way to save is fine.

I changed the code a bit, now when you move photos from workshop:

  • Photo Date will be remembered, in case next photo has no EXIF date. EXIF date will always take precedence.
  • Gallery folder ID will be remember
  • airport code will be kept between consecutive moves, but not remembered (lost after close page)

Great question Top Gun, I was getting ready to ask this too. Every once in a while I come across from old prints or slides I had from the 80s/90s. If I scan and post them, they are just going to show the recent date that I scanned them and not the date from the 80s