In Germany many small airfields for ultralight or sailplane flying exist, that the ICAO has not alotted a code.
In the METAR & TAF system ( Codes are used beginning with DE-. Examples for this are DE-0240 Weilerswist-Müggenhausen, DE-0253 Montabaur, DE-0150 Eudenbach.
Can I use these codes to identify aircraft and airport photos? Could you please include them in the international airports section?
The following german airfields with ICAO code are still missing.
EDWE Emden, EDFY Elz, EDER Gersfeld Wasserkuppe, EDLX Wesel-Römerwardt, EDVH Hodenhagen, EDST Hahnweide, EDBM Magdeburg, EDLO Oerlinghausen, EDTS Schwenningen, EDRT Trier-Föhren, EDRV Wershofen, EDOI Bienenfarm, and in the UK EGTH Old Warden.
I know this is a lot of work. I would have preferred to enter the available data for these airfields myself, but there is no possibility to do this.
Very best regards and thanks for all the work done by the admin team
Ingo Warnecke