G'day to all from the land of OZ.
How are things in the Northern part of the world?
Haven't visited the forum for some time as I have been pretty busy here in my part of the world.
I am coordinating a fly-in here in my home town of Toowoomba QLD Australia that has taken a fair bit of my time..
This is the third year i have organised the fly-in that coincides with an event that is called the "David hack Classic car and warbird meet". the date is may 3rd 2009. So it is fast approaching. Also organised a gathering of T-28 trojans as well. We have 15 flying in Australia and have 6 booked to attend so am pretty happy with that. A number of Vietnam machines are coming, Birddogs O-2's(Cessna 337), cessna 180's Trojans of course possibly a couple of old Huey's, and tried to arrange a DHC Caribou. We still operate these, however the numbers in current operations are decreasing due age and servicability issues. But the aircraft I am excited about that is arriving is a Cessna A-37 Dragonfly, a genuine South Vietnam machine, happy about that.