Do you know if there an issue with Chrome ?
Also, occasionally, editing the comments in the slideshow pictures will freeze the show -
Any advice on how to avoid this happening ?
P.S. - (Just taken out the '!' and it works again)
Cheers to all
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your kind message to the forum!
I am not aware of any Chrome browser issues regarding the approval of pictures.
Pictures are loaded onto, and are available for all to see.
About once a month or so, the Site moderator will go through pictures to see if they are site appropriate.
At that time he will approve them. With the large number of photos loaded each day, this becomes quite the task.
Your pictures should be available for all to see, and enjoy.
As to the slideshow, that may be a problem with the "Flash player" on the Chrome, although I have not heard of this problem.
I am not sure what to do regarding this issue, but I will see if I can find any solutions to this.
This site uses a program script called PHP. I think, but am not sure that the "!" is a special code character...
That might be the problem...
I will look into that as well.
Thank you again for your message and I look forward to seeing more pictures!
Best Regards,