This aircraft was built in Sussex New Brunswick starting 1969 and completed in 1971. The plane has flown 480 hours and has had three past owners, including the builder, Arthur H. Goolde.
Present owner: Andrew Robertson: 700 hrs PPL Day/Night/VFR OTT.
The plane is presently receiving (2009) a newly constructed Falconar Avia Cubmajor-type fuselage, identical to the Phoenix Aviation 1960's re-design, but 2 feet longer. The engine is now rebuilt from an extremely worn-out Continental A-75 and now has all-new 0-200 crankshaft, camshaft, bearings, seals, valve lifters, etc.. Continenetal diaphragm fuel pump now installed. Excellent power now and aircraft climb performance is dramatically improved, but not the claimed 1200 fpm. Actually 550fpm from sea level. Full-panel vacuum-operted instrumentation now installed. No electricals.
Best glide speed is 60 mph. Does not seem to go faster than 80 mph cruise, at 2500 rpm, but billed at over 100 mph. Perhaps at 2700 rpm?
Original fuselage very nose-heavy with pilot-only and tended to nose over for past owners.
This is corrected by moving center of axis of main gear 4 inches for'd. Correct Cof G range maintained as per design requirements.
Enquiries welcome from other Luton and Falconar Avia Cubmajor owners, and prospective builders: