Thanks for that. I have edited the tail code to 61-04 and assume that all is now OK with this one.
I sense some irritation but i have only very recently started uploading and am still finding my way.
As stated above I have edited as you suggest and this seems to have done the trick.
You ask why I do not identify the military aircraft in my photos!
I had assumed that if a particular tail code is already in the database, it will already be identified to those viewing the image along with the others, so why should I repeat this info in the "short description " field?
If it is a new tailcode, I respond to the invitation to provide such detail as I am aware of in the seperate form provided. In which case surely this new info will appear with the new tail code image.
Clearly I am missing something, and am only too willing to follow any defined upload procedure as the last thing I wish happen is for my images to be displayed without the requisite data.