Just for kicks I thought I would look up the tail # of the plane my father used to fly...my family and a friend survived an aborted takeoff on 7/4/70 in Selbyville, DE in this plane.
The plane failed to take off and crashed into the trees at the end of the grass runway. Family friend suffered broken back...I suffered facial lacerations.
Thankfully, my father had us all up in another skymaster within weeks so we would not be afraid to fly...to this day I love to fly, and I reassure passengers with whom I fly, who are nervous about flying....I'm probably the safest guy to fly with as the chances of a 2nd plane crash in my life are slim and none...LOL
Here is link to the NTSB summary of the crash: http://www.ntsb.gov/ntsb/brief.asp?ev_id=2783&key=0