Put back on Barnstormers for sale on February 20 2010.
I just wanted to make some information available to others as of February 2010.
It is a beautiful looking aircraft as it was completely rebuilt in 2000 and raffled at the 2000 Oshkosh meet. White with red striping.
But after my pre buy inspection that cost me $1500, I wanted to make this information available to all. Repairs estimated at $4400.00
1) It has several outstanding ADs. The exhaust system and the the oil cooler lines are the major ones.
2) It had a prop strike in 2009. The AD for that incident was followed but the engine was not torn down. 3 hours after that the crankshaft oil seal leaked. The seal has been repaired, but only .3 hours have been flown since. Read into this as you will...