The Food Network TV show of the biplane cake modeled (loosely) after the Pitts N808TT was shown at 10 p.m. to 10 p.m. on 11 March 2010 in SoCal.
Per the request of the custome who gave the cake as a gift, the cake also was on an edible runway with side lighting and an edible dog perched on the top wing. Presentation was made to a woman pilot with cancer in a touching scene. Color scheme of the cake fairly accurately followed that of N808TT.
The N number on the cake, (one side only), inexplicably, was N1ESCM, which certainly wouldn't pass muster with our FAA. My photo of N808TT used to model the biplane cake was shown early and briefly-if you blinked, you might have missed that. But, it was all in fun for a good cause, and the recipient was thrilled.