Do you have an image scanner or someone who can digitize the photo that you have?
Is your photo of F-OAJL or F-OHAN. I do not have data showing F-OHAN and F-OAJL as the same airframe (same serial or c/n).
F-OAJL is listed on this site. F-OHAN is not. If they are not the same airframe, than a new entry can be made in the database;
then your digital image can be uploaded to the website, under the correct registration.
Once you have a digital file (scan) of the photo, you can go here: (note this link is only for uploading and image of F-OAJL).
A few things to remember when scanning an image:
Uploads should be at least 800x600 in size but not to exceed 3200x2400 pixels.
The filesize must not exceed 4MB.