Airship Ventures, based in California, is now offering a two-day course of instruction in flying their Zeppelin, EUREKA. Requirements are at least an FAA Private Pilot Certificate, current medical and fee of $2,950 per person plus taxes. The course consists of ground school, supervised stick time and a log book endorsement. Each student is guaranteed 30 minutes of left seat time. The time does not count toward a rating. Classes are limited to six students, and they will experience the difference between aerostatic and aerodynamic lift.
For reservations call: Randy Kolstad at (650) 969-8100, ext. 141. Airship Ventures operates the only commercial passenger Zeppelin in the United States. Their Zeppelin, one of only three thus far in the world, is made in Germany. It holds 12 passengers, has oversize windows some of which can be opened in flight, an on-board restroom and a rear love-seat for two.
I saw EUREKA flying south along the California coast last year, but didn't have my camera with me. The quietness of it at low altitude did not give me time for more than a turn to look at it's magnificence in near passing flight.