Will there ever be a function on here where I can look up pictures from airports under the aircraft section.
For Example I entered N##### of Continental Airlines landing at Orlando International Airport so it goes under the aircraft data base section.
I know if I type in MCO for the airport section it will post whatever general MCO pictures there are.
However, what if I wanted to see all aircraft pictures taken at MCO? If there could be a function in the aircraft section I could see everything that different people have taken at MCO. Such as if I wanted to see if any unusual aircraft came in to MCO that people have gotten.
For example - I have a picture of the Antonov 225 landing at MCO, but again that is under Antonov 225 and not under MCO. However I labeled MCO as the airport it was landing at.
You gotta think there might be some sort of function on here similar to the search function we have for our own data base where I could type in MCO (or another airport) and it would pull up everything that everyone had ever taken at MCO (or another airport)