Hello Renco.
I would suggest that before deciding upon the revision to a single airframe, consideration should be given to the whole question of type identification.
As I feel sure you are aware, the F-16 has been manufactured at a number of locations in the premises of manufacturers other than General Dynamics, namely, Fokker, SABCA, Lockheed Martin, & Lockheed. Many of the Fokker aircraft manufactured for the Dutch Air Force are already in the database as General Dynamics aircraft.
So which is the preferable path?
To differentiate by licenced manufacturer or to list them all as GD aircraft which does at least have the benefit of grouping them all together.
I suspect that some may regard this as not being a parallel example, but there are many past examples, particularly during WW2, of out sourced manufacture but I have never seen a listing of a Morris Motors Tiger Moth!
What do others believe is the way to go?