Admin Team: Ken, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following profiles be removed from the database:
AIRBUS - purportedly an A 320 but lacks details
NPD - linked with SA227 OY-NPD which is correctly profiled.
G-II POLIC - purportedly an MD900 Explorer in Belgium but lacking details
55442 - refers to a PA-32-300 but minimal details
579YJ - refers to a Cessna 182 but lacks details
28567R - refers to a Cessna 182 but lacks details
51806 - refers to a Bell UH-1 but lacks details
51830-SR - refers to Mirage F.1B 518 which is correctly profiled.
UNK-GC7 and UNK-GC8 are spurious profiles akin to UNK-GC6 which Chris removed on Dec 02.