I am presently tidying up and making corrections to the above US military airframes in the database.
I found this to be something of a "hornets nest" largely due to strings of linkages.These included totals of 8, 9 and even 12 airframes which in effect were listed, due to linkage, with the same cn! Linked airframes cannot easily be separated. In the case of the 12, it was necessary to delete and re-instate 11 of them in order to restore them with their individual cn's.
The purpose of linkage is to connect profile entries of registration changes for a single airframe.
Now, a question for those who have a particular interest in US military airframes.
The F/A-18 Hornet was manufactured by McDonnell Douglas until the merger with Boeing in August 1997. I believe that all A & B models were produced prior to this date and should be listed as McDD.
C & D model production continued up to 1999 and 2000 respectively and therefore these models would have been produced by both companies. I have not been able to locate a list of cn,s against manufacturing date.
The entries in the database include,
McDonnell Douglas
McDonnell Douglas (Boeing)
My preference would be to list all A,B,C and D models as McDD.
E and F Super Hornets were of course produced by Boeing.
Advice / comment would be appreciated.