Admin Team: Ken, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following profiles are deleted from the database:
326873 - purports to be a PA-34-200T linked with N8654E
17280419 - matches c/n of G-BXSF correctly profiled.
17280718 - matches c/n of N96172 correctly profiled.
56935840 - linked with P206A N4697F
16WA - purports to be a Cessna 140 linked with N2055N and cannot be an error for N16WA which is a PA-28-180.
312 P-3C - minimal data and this aircraft is correctly profiled as 312
37 MARINE - Super Etendard 37 is correctly profiled with photographs
69 MARINE - no data and Super Etendard 69 is correctly profiled.
HDFHS123 - purports to be Ecuadorean link with G-159 F-GFGT
NNHGJHK - purports to be US link with AB206B F-GFVG