China is rapidly progressing on the world military weapons front, deploying an aircraft carrier-killing mobile missile, the Dong Feng 21D. They expect to launch China's first aircraft carrier this year. And, most germane here: China is conducting pre-flight taxi tests of its fifth-generation first stealth fighter, the J-20 "Black Eagle" at the Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute in western China. (It seems just yesterday I was reporting here of their J-10 capable fighter). One photo of the J-20 (labeled origin Newscom) I have seen, but cannot for obvious reasons reproduce it here.
The J-20 appears to be a cross between our F-22 Raptor and our F-35 Joint Strike Fighter on side view with single-seat forward cockpit, twin outward-canted ruddervators, twin jet engines but an apparently longer fuselage. A forward canard with strakes just behind the cockpit is apparent, unless contrasting paint or shadow deceives the viewer.
The J-20 appears to directly challenge America's superiority in the skies. And, it is suggested/expected China will produce far more J-20s than 187, the total F-22 production until program stoppage by our current administration. America needs to rethink their military philosophy.