Welcome to the new airport-data.com forum.

Please note the forum section and member's section shares the same user account database.

If you are an existing member, you do NOT need to register in forum section again. Simply log in using your name (set on Account Info page in member's section) and your password to log in. If you want to change your username in the forum section, please leave a Private Message (username airport-data) or send an email using "Contact Us" page.

New members please register through forum section's "Register" page. You will also have access to member section after you register.

Many members may want to use their full name on their photos copyright tag, while using a nick name in forum. By default, your username will be used in both Member and Forum section. You can change your name used in Member section by visiting "Account Info" page and change it (to your full name in most cases). This name will be used on all pages except those in forum section.

If you have any question or suggestion, please feel free to use "General" Forum under "Airport-Data.com", or you can leave a message to me using either Private Message or Contact Us page.

Thank you to all for your support and hope you enjoy this new addition.

A special thanks to Michael Martin for the recommendations of opening up a forum.

Ken Wang
