Just out of curiosity I began to run down information on what appears to be this aircraft. I learned to fly on Cessna N89891 at the Ventura County Airport back in 1967 as part of the Point Mugu Aeor Club. I have some old slides of this old 140 when it was painted Red and White. I'm curious to know where it is located now and to hear of any additional history besides the two accidents that I was able to trace, one in 1969 at the Ventura County Airport in Oxnard, California (USA) and another in Corona, California in 1988. I also found that the plane was deregistered on January 11, 1989. Again, I'm just curious. Cessna eight-niner-eight-niner-one is like an old friend that I haven't seen in more than forty years. It's good to see that she's still alive and looking so well as G-BPKO. Thanks. Stan Broder 'smbroder@gmail.com'