Admin Team: Ken, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following invalid profiles are deleted from the database:
100CU This is linked with Falcon 10 N100CU
3324D This is linked with Cessna 180 N40GC
20437 This is c/n for Cessna 170B N170HT which is correctly profiled.
95249 This is c/n for XS903 which is correctly profiled
434178 B-25H Mitchell 43-4178 is correctly profiled.
64-007 This is minimal data for an RF-4C, but the serial is invalid.
3G EK This PC-6 is correctly profiled as 3G-EK
3GEK This PC-6 is correctly profiled as 3G-EK
BU160012 This is linked with E-2C correctly profiled as 160012
VEKRJWDX This is linked with Falcon 50EX N286ZT which is correctly profiled.