Hi Admin,
Is there a method to do a search on more than one criteria, or could such a search be added?
I am prompted to ask this when I was trying to find if the registration of an aircraft was listed in the database when the instances of both construction number and manufacturer exceed 1000.
For example, if all you have is: Make=Beechcraft and serial contains 123. There are more than 1000 Beechcraft, and more than 1000 serial numbers containing the string 123 (eg 394A-3123 found by Serial No 123 search). The 1000th Beechcraft's registration commences N34... If the airframe you are looking for has a registration higher than this, such as N36... or VH-... , you have little chance of finding it.
If you could do a search for Make=Beechcraft and Serial No=123, this would reduce the results to a managable number.
Maybe something worth considering.