18-3146 <> 9146
Me thinks the msn was a typo, either by a FAA-OKC data entry clerk,
or the owner filling out the registration form, or bad-handwriting.
Also seem to have dropped the 18- ...from the msn
Because it was a mil contract Cub, 53-4746 the owner may have wanted to register it as a PA-19
PA-19 was a MIL designator for the PA-18 or L-21, L-18....
Afaik there were only three official PA-19 built;
msn; 19-1 through 19-3
N5011H is/was a PA-19 and for a time registered as a PA-18.
N5417H also a PA-19.
The following note "robbed" from another website:
If you search the FAA Register for Piper PA-19 you come up with 16 frames, but all have an 18- cn except N5417H,
meaning that they are actually PA-18’s.
Those 15 were all originally military L-18C Super Cub 95’s, and the PA-19 model was apparently applied in error
when they were certificated civilian.
I remember a few years back, the FAA USCAR listed 'turboprop' for the engines, on nearly all DC-3 and C-47's in the registry.
Think most of that has been cleared up by now.