The definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". If this is true I would say that the management of Quest Aircraft in Sandpoint Idaho is truly insane.
A year ago, venture capitolist from the midwest came in with a much needed $20,000,000 to help keep the company afloat. Part of the agreement was putting "their" people on the board of directors, but leaving the managment intact. CEO Paul Schaller (who allowed the patients to run the insane asyllum) stepped down.
Well, a year and $19,999,999 later the looney bin is again broke- Leaving managment pointing fingers at everyone but themselves.
It was hoped a large aerospace deal aimed at marketing the "Airclaw" to military/government entities would be enough to solve Quests problems but all was for not. The company in question pulled out of the deal amid worries that Quest does not have the stability to hold up their part of the deal.
A anonymous source at Quest says things are going from bad to worse. Turmoil within the management team saw the production manager walk out and quit this week. She watched the whole ordeal take place and was terribly upset watching a company founded on christian fundamentals tear itself apart. Sad to say, but it appears that they are up to the same old tricks that put them in the same poor position last year, and the year before, and the year before. I wonder if Cessna is ready to buy the company yet? Bet they would get a good price about now.