stantonite For those interested in seeing what was at this years Sun N Fun as Trade / Static exhibitors A selection can be seen in a 1 page view at click on any photo to enlarge and / or see aircraft details Terry Fletcher UK
MalcolmClarke From one who doesn't venture so far, many thanks Terry, an interesting insight. Malcolm.
Ztex Nice set Terry. Sun-n-Fun is on my (extensive) list to do! Not to nit pick too much...but it seems that you have some warbirds in the vintage section...most notably N514AC (C-47 "Spooky" ) in both. Just fyi... Zane
FloridaMetal Great pictures Terry. I think I saw you Sunday shooting departures before the show from the homebuilt section. I talked to a couple British guys there as we were waiting for Fifi and the blue F-18 to depart, but I don't think either were you. There were a couple other guys taking a lot of shots that fit your description a little further down though. You must work fast in editing. I am only halfway through Friday's stuff and I still have Saturday and Sunday to work on.
ZingZong707 Looks like we (in Colorado) all will have to travel to Cheyenne,WY for frontier days to see any air events of this magnitude.