I have been watching this thread with interest to see how it unfolds. Everyone has made valid points as to whether a photo should appear in the aircraft or airport section.
My interpretation of a photo within the airport section which has an aircraft in the image depends on what is added in the description box and what story it tells to the person viewing the image.
Here are two of my images in the airport section taken from exactly the same location.
In both images, the reg number's of the aircraft closest to the camera is clearly visible, but the description helps to explain the images.
When I monitor images uploaded to the airport section, the description is just as important to me as the image. But, if I see a photo of an easily identifiable aircraft with no reason within the description to include it in the airport section, then I will move it to the aircraft section.
I agree with Daniel who said "you could either do a profile for either plane OR profile for the airport." but not both.
I again agree with Zane "One of the attraction to this site from the beginning has been the freedom with which we are able to add photos to the collection."
What other site allows you to organise your images into folders and files that you choose?
I don't want to see this site go down the road of Airliners.net or other site's that have screener's and have some other person decide what should and should not be uploaded. Lets be realistic here, 90% of the images on this site would not get accepted onto some of the aviation sites who have screener's. To me, the content of an image can sometimes be more important than the quality.
I have recently had problem's with a site where I have several thousand images uploaded were some of my images were rejected for too close cropping, only to see a screener's image accepted with similar cropping.
The only person who should decide what is uploaded here is the photographer, with the exception of duplicates and "card dumping" those people can use flickr for that. Both subjects have been well discussed here and the majority of contributors accept this and are self moderating.
Lets keep the opinions and suggestions coming in a civilised manner so we can all work together to continue to help this site improve and grow.
Admin team