You know all along I been posting the date and didn't realize 40,000 pictures later that I didn't have to enter it. The time it took me to post that date for 40,000 I probably could have 45,000 up by now :
Really there is no harm being done by not posting the date. Being that all of these aircraft involved are privately owned aircraft (I am not going to do that with commercial aircraft) they also have a right to their privacy as to what days their aicraft were on that ramp.
This may sound like a silly example but if I take a picture of someone's private Cessna at airport KXXX with tail number N###XX on such and such date - his wife might see the plane at airport KXXX, while he told her he was in another city, which makes her suspect he has a mistress near airport KXXX. I'm not going to get into the moral issue of that because it is none of my business what he is doing in that town but I don't need to throw him under the bus either by posting something that should be private info - ok I was being funny with that example but you get what I mean?
Airport FBOs frown on people taking pictures of planes on their ramps sometimes - if you can pretty much edit it so you don't see much proof to show it is their ramp and get rid of the date when that aircraft was there I don't think there would be an issue. Personally I wouldn't like anyone taking a picture of my car and showing it in a strip club parking lot on such and such date and posting it on their blog so my girlfriend could see it after I told her I was going to my parent's house - ok again I wouldn't do that but you get the point.