The new aerobatic aircraft is larger than an ACA Super Decathlon with a higher horsepower engine. Still two-place tandem seating. A Lycoming AEIO-390-A1B6 engine of 210 Hp with a 76 inch MT two-blade prop powers the new design. While horsepower has increased by 30, weight of the aircraft has DECREASED by 62 pounds-always favorable for an aerobatic aircraft. Wingspan is 31 feet. The new wing has clipped wingtips and boosted ailerons with spades and the new airfoil tail all contribute to a 33 percent increase in roll rate.
Gross weight is 1,950 pounds, but aerobatic-flight weight is limited to 1,850 pounds. Empty weight is 1,340 pounds. Fuel capacity-40 gallons. Rated +6g, -5 g. Cruise speed is 133 knots at 75% power with range at that speed- 450 nautical miles. Full performance figures are still being compiled in flight testing, but one has already been sold. Want one? Base price-$204,900.