I trust you are reading these replies.
When someone creates something, whether it is an artist creating a painting, a songwriter writing a song, an author writing a novel, or a photographer taking a photograph, they automatically have copyright over that item, and they retain that copyright for different periods, up to 70 years, depending on the laws of the country concerned. These items cannot be used without the creator's consent. The subject of the painting/book/photo does not matter, it relates to who created it. The owner of the photo's subject (car/building/aircraft) can object to the photo being published, and can request that it be withdrawn.
If you look at my photos, you will note that I have a folder of photos taken by another photographer. The folder names the photographer, and carries the notation "with permission". Each photo in that folder bears the same notation. He gave me the originals and explicit permission to display them on his behalf.
Remember, many photographers take these photos for a living, and anyone using them without permission or payment is robbing them of income. If you own the aircraft, or have a not-for-profit use for the photograph, the photographer may give you permission, if you ask first. However, taking someone else's photo and posting it on a website without permission is stealing, and can be prosecuted through the courts.