Jan. 6, Santa Paula, First Sundays-Every Month. Santa Paula Airport SZP. Aviation Museum of Santa Paula Fly-In, Chain of Museum Hangars. 10-3, Young Eagles Rides offered First Sundays for kids 8-18 between 10 am and 1 pm. Flights last 30-60 minutes. Visit http://www.eaa723.org for flight reservations. Click on Young Eagles and fill out the pre-registration request form. This will also show the month and date that the next free flight reservations are available. Young Eagles Rides also given 10 am to 1 pm First Saturdays at nearby Camarillo Airport CMA. Same website for reservation requirements. First Sundays SZP Fly-In INFO: (805) 525-1109. Rain cancels.
Jan. 12-13, Upland, 38th Annual Cable Airshow, Cable Airport CCB, Rob Harrison, Frank Donnelly aerobatics, skydivers, antiques, warbirds, -pancake breakfast. INFO: www.cableairport.com
Jan. 19, San Diego, Fly/Drive In Breakfast at EAA Chapter 14 Hangar near Tower at Brown Field Municipal SDM, Pancakes, Waffles, Eggs, Sausages, more. INFO: Chapter phone 619 661-6520. General Meeting Follows.
Apr. 6, Riverside, 21st Annual Airshow, Riverside Airport RAL, 9-4, INFO: Tom Miller 951 682-1771
Apr. 12-14, Chino, SoCal EAA, Warbird Squadron 16, Warbirds West Air Museum Beech 18/Navy SNB/C-45 Fly-In, Chino CNO INFO thebeechboys@socal.rr.com
Apr. 13, San Luis Obispo, Vintage Aircraft Associate's Airport Day, San Luis County Regional SBP, INFO: 805 801-7641
Apr. 13, San Diego/El Cajon, 99s Flying Companion Seminar, 8 am to 4 pm at Air & Space Museum. Gillespie Field SEE, INFO: www.sandiego99s.org
Apr. 19-21, Paso Robles, Radial Rendezvous, a Gathering of Round Engines, Paso Robles Municipal Airport PRB. For anyone who owns/flies round engines. Meet at Antique Aero, south side. INFO: Dennis@radialrendezvous.com or www.Radialrendezvous.com
Apr. 20, Riverside/Roubidoux, Aircraft Display Day, Pancake breakfast, Hangar Crawl, Flabob Airport RIR, INFO: 951 683-2309 or www.flabob.org
Apr. 20, Chino, Open Cockpit WWII Bomber, 82nd Airborne Re-enactors 10 am, Yanks Air Museum, Chino CNO, INFO: 909 597-1735 or www.yanksair.com
Apr. 20, San Andreas, Airport Fly-In/Open House 8-5, Calaveras County-Maury Rasmussen Field CPU, classic cars/aircraft display, breakfast. INFO: Kathy- kz@mlode.com or 209 736-2501
Apr. 20, Mojave, Experimental Fly-In, Mojave Airport MHV, no further info
Apr. 20, Camarillo, Recognizing and Dealing With Maintenance Gotchas, Camarillo Airport CMA, 13 start. INFO: 805 910-6894
Apr. 20-21, Santa Rosa, Climb Aboard Weekend, 10 am to 4 pm, Pacific Coast Air Museum, Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport STS, INFO: 707 575-7900
Apr. 27, Adelanto, Adelanto Airport 52CL, Annual Fly-In and Open House, 7-3, Pancake Breakfast, classics, homebuilts. INFO: Chuck Laird at 760 983-8290 or http://adelantoairport.zxq.net . Donations accepted.
Apr. 27, Mariposa, Air Fair & Family Adventure Day, Mariposa-Yosemite MPI, INFO: George Clover gclover@sti.net or www.mariposayosemiteairport.com
Apr. 27-28, Half-Moon Bay, Pacific Coast Dream Machines, Half-Moon Bay Airport HAF, Over 2,000 vehicles on display. INFO: 650 726-2328 or www.miramarevents.com/dreammachines
Apr. 28, El Monte, Display Day, El Monte Airport EMT, 9 am- no further info.
May 4, San Carlos, Seaplane Adventure, Hiller Museum, San Carlos Airport SQL, INFO: Willie Turner at 650 654-0200 or willie@hiller.org
May 4, Cloverdale, Open House/Zenith Fly-In, Cloverdale Municipal O60, INFO: www.aopa.org/airports/O60
May 4, Fort Jones, Scott Valley Fly-In, Scott Valley A30, INFO: www.aopa.org/airports/A30
May 4, Fresno, 2nd Annual Fresno Chandler Historical Fly-In and Car Show, Fresno Chandler Executive FCH. INFO: www.aopa.org/airports/KFCH
May, 4, Watsonville, Day In The Sky, Watsonville Municipal WVI. INFO: www.dayinthesky.com
May 4-5, Chino, Planes of Fame Airshow, Chino Airport CNO, Celebrating the Lockheed P-38. Multiple warbird displays, Heritage Flight, static displays, vendors and more. INFO: www.planesoffame.org
May 9-12, San Diego/El Cajon, Annual West Coast Stearman Fly-In, Allen Airways Flying Museum, Gillespie Field SEE, INFO: Bill Allen 619 985-8888
May 10-11, Oceano, Fly-In, Oceano Airport L52, Lots of planes, great BBQ, live music/dancs Friday night. INFO: 805 305-1506 or www.friendsofoceanoairport.com
May 11-12, Shafter, Madness Over Minter, airshow, warbirds, aerobatics, statics, explosions! more. Shafter-Minter Field MIT, Tickets online at www.minterairshow.com
May 17-19, Riverside/Roubidoux Low and Slow Fly-In, Flabob Airport RIR, Open to all aircraft, INFO: 951 847-5600 or www.lowandslowflyin.com
May 18, San Martin, Wings Of History Air Museum annual Open House & Fly-In, South County Airport of Santa Clara County Airport E16, INFO: www.wingsofhistory.org
May 25-26, Llano, 19th Annual "World's Smallest" Air Show, Ultralight, Light Sport, General Aviation flying and static displays, Radio-Controlled aircraft models. Free admission and parking. INFO: www.brianranch.com NOTE: If flying Ultralight from the CA Coast you may need to climb to 6,500'-wear your long johns!
May 25-26, Hollister, Wings and Wheels, Hollister Municipal CVH, Aerobatics, warbirds, vintage aircraft, more. INFO: www.hollisterairshow.com
June 1, Ukiah, Annual Ukiah Airport Day & Community Festival, Ukiah Municipal Airport UKI, INFO: 707 467-2855 or email- airportday@cityofukiah.com
June 1, Bakersfield, Fly-In, all welcome, airplanes, car show, airport open house. Bakersfield Municipal L45. INFO: 661 301-6461
June 1-2, San Diego/El Cajon, CAF's Wings Over Gillespie, A Salute to the Spirit of San Diego in WWII, Gillespie Field SEE. INFO: www.ag1caf.org
June 7-9, Marysville, Golden West Regional Fly-In & Airshow, Yuba County Airport MYV, 2nd Annual EAA Chapter Aircraft Contest, Airshow all three days, Aircraft Display, Forums & Workshops, Food, Kid's Activities. INFO: 530 852-0321 or www.GoldenWestFlyIn.org
June 15-16, Columbia, Father's Day Fly-In, fly-in camping, BBQ, spot landing contest. INFO: www.fathersdayflyin.com
June 22, Camarillo, Customer Appreciation BBQ & Open House-Camarillo Airport CMA-no further info.
July 6, Truckee, Truckee-Tahoe AirFair and Family Festival, Truckee-Tahoe Airport TRK, aerobatics, warbirds, Young Eagles Flights. INFO: Tim LoDolce at 530 386-3100 or flyingtiger17@yahoo.com
July 6, Fort Jones, Scott Valley Fly-In, Scott Valley A30
July 12-14, Lompoc, 29th Annual West Coast CUB Fly-In, Food, Lompoc LPC, INFO: 805 291-6039 or emandibles@verizon.net
July 13, Grass Valley, Nevada County AirFest 2013, Flybys and displays, warbirds, experimentals, vintage aircraft, Nevada County Airpark GOO, INGFO: www.ncairfest.com
Aug. 17-18, Camarillo, Wings Over Camarillo Airshow, Camarillo Airport CMA. Warbirds, experimentals, Fieseler 156 Storch!, vintage, ultralights, aerobatics, WWII Vets, Hot Air Balloons, Custom Automobiles, more. vendors, food. Sponsored by SoCal Wing of CAF, EAA Chapter 723 and the 99s. Biggest airshow in the Southwest. 9-4, Saturday night dance. Tickets online $10 daily until 1 Aug. at www.WingsOverCamarillo.com $15 at the gates. Kids free. Free parking. 9 am to 5 pm. INFO: 805 419-3530
Aug. 17-18, Santa Rosa, Wings Over Wine Country Pacific Coast Air Museum Airshow 13, Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport STS, Featuring F/A-18 Super Hornet, AV-8B Harrier, C-17, USAF U-2, T-38 flyby, aerobatics, more. INFO: Tickets at www.wingsoverwinecountry.org or 707 575-7900.
Aug. 24, Big Bear City, Big Bear Airfair, Celebrating 110 years of flight. Big Bear Airport L35. NOTE: Field elevation is 6,752 ft. Respect density altitude. INFO: 909 585-3219 or www.bigbearcityairport.com
Aug. 25, South Lake Tahoe, 24th Annual Lake in the Sky Airshow, Lake Tahoe Airport TVL. INFO: 530 542-6182 or www.lakeintheskyairshow.com
Sept. 21-22, Coronado, Fleet Week San Diego AIRSHOW and Vintage Races,
NAS North Island, Navy fixed wing and helicopter aircraft, amphibious vehicles with military personnel at displays. Vintage car races, Grandstands. Event tickets online at www.fleetweeksandiego.org/events/speed-fest.html
Sept. 26-29, Riverside/Roubidoux, Flabob Flying Circus, aerial cavalcade, 100's of antiques, vintage aircraft. Historic Flabob Airport RIR. INFO: www.flabobflyingcircus.com
Oct. 4-6, San Diego, MCAS MIRAMAR Airshow, Gates open 8 a.m. daily-Note-Three days, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Saturday Twilight show begins at 5 p.m. Free admission & parking. Preferred seating available. INFO: 858 577-1000 or www.miramarairshow.com for entry restrictions
Oct. 5, Livermore, Livermore Municipal Airport 18th Annual Airport Open House and Air Show LVK, Aerobatics, general aviation aircraft displays, law enforcement, military, vintage and experimental aircraft, warbird flybys, parachutists, classic autos, gourmet food trucks, kid crafts, magic tricks, more. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. FREE. INFO: http://www.cityoflivermore.net/citygov/pw/airport/openhouse/
Oct. 12, Vacaville, 65th Annual Mustangs and More (formerly Mustang Days), Nut Tree Airport VCB, INFO: Larry Smiglia, Director at 707 689-4848 or register to attend at p51smiglia@aol.com
Oct. 12, Apple Valley, Apple Valley Airshow APV, aerobatics, warbirds, RC demos, static display of antique, experimental and military aircraft. Food and vendors. INFO: 760 247-2371 or sbcountywings.com
Oct. 18-19, San Luis Obispo, California Pilot's Association California Dreamin' at San Luis Jet Center, San Luis County Regional SBP, Friday night: Meet & Greet wine tasting, Balloon Glow, Speakers-Jamie Beckett aviation advocate and SZP's own Judy Phelps CFI Of The Year, Beach Burger Fry & Dance to San Luis Jazz band. Saturday: CalPilots Annual Meeting, AOPA's Bill Dunn, John Kounis Pilot Getaways Magazine, KEYNOTE SPEAKER-Rod Machado Aviation humorist and educator.
Oct. 18-20, Columbia, Cessna 195s, and other taildraggers and radial engines. Columbia O22, INFO: 707 479-9994
Oct. 19, Davis, University Airport Open House, University EDU. INFO: 530 219-0664
Oct. 26-27, Avalon, Catalina Island, Catalina AVX, 2013 Scheyden Catalina Air Show, aerobatics with Red Bull helicopter, Team Scheyden's Super Dave flying the MX2 with roll rate 500 degrees/second, Row 44's Albatross One HU-16B N44HQ amphibian, vintage aircraft, related exhibits. Airshow takes place off Avalon's breakwater. Rest of exhibits at AVX. INFO: www.catalinaairshow.com NOTA BENE-AVX requires prior landing/takeoff approval via UNICOM 122.7. Approach/Departure 127.4 Ops not permitted when not attended. Attended 0800-1700 Oct. 16-Apr. 14.
Nov. 9, Riverside/Roubidoux, Veteran's Day celebration, warbird flybys, military vehicles (maybe), live bands, parades, vets. Free Admission, Flabob Airport RIR. 9-5.
As always-Call/Confirm first before spending time/money.+