Pete this is shown as Hunting Percival which is ncorrect, it should be Handley Page. The Handley Page Jetstream was offered as the US military C-10 but did not ultimately happen although several fuselages were laid down for the project. Pete
MalcolmClarke Thank you Pete. The notes attached to the image have been amended accordingly in line with the identification shown on what used to be the official NEAM website. Malcolm.
Pete Thanks Malcolm. The header on the page (which is what I first noticed) is still showing Hunting Percival as the manufacturer. = just a little bit more to keep you out of mischief! :
MalcolmClarke A lot less would be so much better than a little bit more! : Thanks Pete. All's now well I do so hope. Time for another glass of my favourite Aussie tipple me thinks. : Malcolm.