DougRobertson Lately, I have been unable to edit caption information on photos either newly uploaded or recent uploads. It is not a case of adding too many characters exceeding the 255 limit, sometimes just correcting minor spelling errors or an edited sentence. The new message Edit Failed comes up. I haven't seen this before. This is a major limitation. Why? No other anomalies are apparent.
L-5jockey Doug I just did the caption edit routine on one of my old photos. Worked OK, no error messages, and the caption updated just fine. Still a problem on your end ? John
ChrisHall I have been editing captions on mine and other members photo's over the last few days without any problems
Ken Wang Doug, Is there any special characters in your new caption? Could you please post the photo id affected and new caption? Thanks, Ken
DougRobertson Ken, No special characters used-just the alphabet characters and numbers. I tried just now to edit my caption on my last upload of N618PV. I added the new sentence --- Excellent workmanship. It worked fine, accepting the edit, so apparently the function may be a hit or a miss. I will note again if on a photo caption edit it does not accept the edit. Will probably be uploading more photos this afternoon. Doug
DougRobertson The photo edit function still occasionally will state the edit failed, but I have discovered if you simply ignore that and then reload the tab it reappears with the edited material properly added, so this is my workaround suggestion for anyone encountering the same minor problem.